The brand new, wide and extra large chef's knife K Chef is a professional chef's knife specially designed for long-term work under heavy load. The blade has a length of 225 mm and is ideal for all cutting work. The slight curvature of the handle gives you enough freedom to cut without touching the cutting board. The dynamic blade shape fits elegantly in the hand.
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Molenbaan 7, 2908LL Capelle aan den IJssel
09:00 - 17:00
Payment possible. Limited stock, after reservation it will be ready for you after 1-2 working days. Wait with pick up until you have heard from us that it is ready.
Schoterhoek 2, 2441 LD, Nieuwveen
09:00 - 17:00
Only pick-up in the Netherlands. Payment at the desk is not possible. Wait with pick-up until you have confirmation that it is ready.
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