
A rich and aromatic cocktail featuring coffee-infused rum with hints of orange and lime peel, paired with a blend of aromatic bitters and vermouth....
A unique twist on the classic mojito, this Asian-infused version is made by sous vide infusing rum with aromatic lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves,...
Tender beef roulades filled with a flavorful mustard, bacon, and pickle mixture, cooked to perfection in a sous-vide water bath for a juicy and...
A delicate and flavorful dish featuring tender sous-vide salmon served with a refreshing cucumber salad, enhanced by a hint of lime and dill....
A delicious dessert featuring sous-vide apples infused with vanilla, paired with a rich cinnamon mousse and crispy puff pastry, garnished with pine...
A delightful dessert featuring crispy puff pastry filled with tender apples, golden raisins, pine nuts, and a sweet berry sauce, all enhanced by...
A simple yet delicious recipe for perfectly cooked, medium-rare entrecôte steaks, enhanced by sous vide precision cooking. Tip: Adjust the...
A refined venison dish featuring tender sous vide-cooked saddle, crispy salsify nests, and a rich coffee-infused sauce. Tip: If quince vinegar...
A tender sous-vide sirloin steak, complemented by forgotten root vegetables, crispy mushroom chips, and a rich mushroom cream sauce. Tip: For...
A luxurious dish featuring perfectly cooked tenderloin, silky liver cream, and rich truffle for an elegant and flavorful dining experience. Tip:...
Tender Romanesco broccoli infused with rich butter and a hint of nutmeg, bringing out its natural sweetness and delicate texture. Tip: Serve as...
Tender carrots infused with aromatic lemongrass and ginger, enhanced with a touch of sea salt and brown sugar for a perfect balance of flavors....