Professional sous vide for restaurants

The sous-vide cooking technique dates back to the 1970s and has since been introduced in many kitchens. The many advantages of sous-vide cooking (also called vacuum cooking ) are now being discovered by more and more restaurants. Sous-vide cooking is also known as roner , which comes from the classic device "Roner" ( there are now many modern alternatives for this ). Since then, there have been many developments in the field of preparation and equipment and that is why people mainly talk about sous-vide or vacuum cooking.

Thanks to its ease and consistent product preparation, sous-vide is an indispensable part of any good restaurant. Sous-vide is of course also ideal for caterers, company canteens, butchers and large volume kitchens.

Call us on 085-3012306 for professional advice!

Sous-vide is ideal for restaurants and all other professional catering

  • Repeatable quality – because the cooking process is extremely precise, the result is the same every time.
    Chefs often say: you are as good as your previous result
  • Easy to plan - you prepare a number of portions so that they are ready to serve at any time. For example, a steak only needs to be cooked after 45 minutes at about 55ºC for a nice brown layer.
  • Amazing results - a refined taste and texture that cannot be achieved with any other method
  • Maximum flavor - vacuum packaging better preserves juices, flavors and nutrients ( Source: USDA )
  • Evenly cooked - the food is cooked evenly, i.e. from the outside in

Sousvidekenner has a wide range of professional sous-vide appliances that are ideal for professional conditions and large-volume kitchens.