Handboek 'Voedsel drogen' (vernieuwde versie)

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Food drying manual

Claudia Kuyken and Jean Vanhoof are fascinated by this environmentally friendly and sustainable way of preserving food. In this handbook they teach you everything about the techniques of drying food. With more than 100 proven recipes you can get started right away.

This updated version (ISBN 9789082235470) has many more pages, chapters, recipes and sections and is a hardcover instead of paperback.

Do you want the children to eat only healthy sweets and also have them help to make them?

  • Have you always dehydrated healthy and savory or sweet "snacks" on the table to enjoy to your heart's content without worrying about harmful preservatives?
  • Do you have your own vegetable garden or do you like to buy cheap organically grown seasonal products?
  • Are you in love with the new "raw food" trend or do you eat vegetarian?
  • Do you need to cook diabetic-friendly or do you want to prepare gluten-free meals?
  • Are you going into the mountains with a lightweight backpack or are you going camping with the kids?
  • Or do you like to take a full food supply with you in your camper for the summer holidays?
  • Are you a "prepper" and want to fill the pantry in anticipation of a crisis?
  • Or do you just want to save on your family expenses or lose weight in a healthy way?
  • Do you want to grow your own herbs and dry your own medicinal herbs or kitchen herbs to use?

Then you should definitely get started with a food dehydrator and this MANUAL FOOD DRYING is undoubtedly something for you.

Written in Dutch.



Code du produit
2 year
Type de produit
Manuel de séchage des aliments
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